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Previous Corporate work of Helena Abidin in Jakarta

I am Helena

a seeker of truth and beauty, traversed the corporate realm, amassing wisdom and experience. A Chinese descendant graced by the Island of the Gods, I sought the meaning of my existence and identity, unearthing a treasure trove of self-discovery. With each breath, I unlocked my greatness, embracing the unknown and finding solace in my journey.

Yet, amidst the accomplishments of a 25-year journey, a divine spark ignited within, urging me to embrace my goddess within and embark upon a transcendent voyage.

In the bustling world of corporate life, there was an ember of passion flickering within me, yearning to break free.

Despite the success and achievements that came with my career, I felt a void inside, a longing for something more profound and fulfilling.

My heart whispered to me to follow my true calling, to embrace my inner desires and seek happiness in the depths of my soul.

Let me re-introduce myself

A Goddess Within

 "A Tale of Transformation, Passion, and Spiritual Growth"

My art is a testament to the boundless joy and freedom that springs forth from my heart's desires.
Enraptured by the smooth texture of paint, I weave my story, my voice echoing through each movement of my hands.
I am a divine artist, a goddess who knows no limits, a radiant spirit who inspires you to live your most vibrant life.

"Our inner beauty is the song of our soul, a melody that resonates through the cosmos, echoing our true essence and divine purpose."

– Helena Abidin

"The essence of rebirth lies within the heart of change, as we weave our stories anew, emerging stronger, wiser, and ever more luminous." 

– Helena Abidin

I am a Magnetic Divine Artist

forging a heartfelt connection with the celestial realms.

Embracing an open mind and an easygoing spirit, I dare to initiate change and embody resilience.

Constantly evolving, I experiment with my art and its presentation to the world, ever patient in my soul's journey of growth and transformation.